Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Parenting As I See It: What I've Learning in Parenting from Lisa Clark

I taught my last parenting teens class a few weeks ago.  Bittersweet for sure.  I have LOVED teaching the class.  And I’m ready to move on to the next chapter.  But it is definitely bittersweet.

I was asked by a mom the other day if I ever felt inadequate as a mom of a teen.  “Oh yes!” I replied.  Parenting brings out ALL of our inadequacies for sure.  We are reminded in our parenting how much we MUST rely on Jesus.  It’s a must.

Here’s what I've learned in parenting:

I can’t rely on myself for answers.  I need Jesus.  I must pray.  I must pray for myself.  My children.  My husband.  I must pray I try not to fix everything.  So my prayer is to relinquish control to Him and trust His ways are higher, better, right.

I need to see the big picture.  Don’t get too high with the highs or too low with the lows.  There’s a big picture here.  Who am I raising? What does her future look like? What are her big dreams? Aspirations? How can I help? Seeing the big picture enables me to see my child as a child of the King of Kings not my “mini me.”

Releasing my child back to God each day helps me not hold on too tight.  When I hold on too tight to something it becomes an idol in my life.  I begin to focus on the idol and not my purpose.  My purpose is to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and reflect Him to my world.  How is my job as mom fitting into my purpose?

I must make choices in my own life that show/prove/model to my children that holiness is attainable through the power of the Holy Spirit in my life.  Living a life that glorifies the Father is possible through His Spirit.  Striving for this in my own life shows my kiddos it’s possible.  When I mess up, allowing them to see restoration at work.

I want to BE the person I want them to BE. 

As I have moved into a different parenting role, having children married and in their 20’s, my objectives have not changed.  Parenting models the Christian walk in so many ways.  There’s always someone in our lives who needs us to show them the way.  Always.  

Life lessons from SkyMoms Parenting Mentor Lisa Clark

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