Monday, March 30, 2015

Consistency and Growth - Better Together Devotional by Stacy A. Davis

Family Fun Icebreaker: What is a good decision that you made? Why?

Topic Question: What is the Right Lifestyle in God’s Community?

Today’s Big Idea: Consistency and Growth
When you join God’s community, there is always something for YOU to do. You don’t just join the community and sit there. God calls you to join a life of action, encouraging you to spend time in His Word, praying, and serving others. You will be able to look back at your life and know that you have lived correctly. Your path through life will shine brightly if you listen to God. God shares that He guides His people to the right path for His name’s sake, and this right path restores your soul (Psalm 23:3). God wants your life to reflect His heart. He wants all of us to succeed according to His plans. Psalm 11:7 tells you God is righteous. He is not asking you to do something that He does not do; He wants you to do as He does. God also shares that He loves righteousness and justice, and that the earth is full of His loving-kindness (Psalm 33:5).

Friday, March 27, 2015

Community of Integrity - Better Together Devotional by Stacy A. Davis

Family Fun Icebreaker: Have you been part of a service project that helped others? What happened?

Topic Question: How are we Better Together?

Today’s Big Idea: Community of Integrity
God’s own character is full of integrity, or good moral character. He desires for His community to point others to Jesus, reflecting His integrity. God designed His community to serve in different ways but with a similar heart. He wants your speech and attitude to reflect His good moral character, causing others to want to know about Jesus. God focuses on the good things in life, and He wants you to focus on those things as well. He wants you to be part of a community that desires integrity. It is easy to get caught up with gossip, or the bad and negative things that happen, and that can alter your focus of conversations or thoughts. Scripture shares that if you turn to Christ, His Holy Spirit will give you the strength to help you focus on the good things in life, to speak of and think of, and you will find His peace. He wants you to be part of a community of people who encourage others to focus on the good and honorable things in life.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Competitivness and Humility - SkyMom Daisy Greek

What I learned about myself while playing a board game at 
Sky Ranch Family Camp     

Four years ago, our family went to Sky Ranch family camp for the first time.  (I could write a book about how totally awesome it is, and why everyone should go, but this is about a game that taught a life lesson and the growth that came as a result) 

Nights at family camp are fun! They are what my ideal home nightlife would be: technology free and filled with communication, interaction, learning, and new experiences. It was one of those nights at camp - our family was introduced to a board game called Jokers and Marbles. I immediately thought I had an advantage because it was similar to the old game (WaHoo) I grew up playing.  

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Devotion - Better Together Devotional by Stacy A. Davis

Family Fun Icebreaker: Who do you love?

Topic Question: What is the Right Lifestyle in God’s Community?

Today’s Big Idea: Devotion
When you love God more than anything else, your love will show in how you spend your time. God will be a main focus in your actions and life. But at the beginning, you may not feel that you know God well enough to share with others about Him. Ask His Holy Spirit to give you a desire to learn more about Him. The more that you get to know God through His Word, the more that you will love Him. Distractions can pull you away from spending time praying and reading God’s Word. Things like TV or online media can lure you away from Him. You will have to make a choice to turn off or stop the distractions and spend time thinking about His messages from the Bible. You can use an online Bible to read from, or spend time reading devotionals or commentaries, but make sure to let your own thoughts form. Take time to ask your own questions, too. Reading God’s Word is the way God talks to you. Prayer is the way that you respond to God. If you are unsure about God’s message, ask Him about the subject in prayer. If you are thankful for God’s message, make sure to tell Him. Psalm
62:8 (ESV) tells you to “…pour out your heart before Him…” God loves you more than you can imagine, and He loves to hear from you.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Enjoy the little things - SkyMom Amy Watts

Life is flying by!  I cannot believe my sweet babies are 5 & 10 already!  My son turned 10 in January and it really got me…only 6 years and he’s driving; 8 years and he’s on to college.  Our lives are full of joy and fun but very, VERY busy.  I crave more one-on-one time with my children while I have the chance! 

I used to think I needed to plan super fun outings or special occasions to make special memories.  But I’m learning that they are truly content with just spending time together – board games around the kitchen table, a trip to Yogurtland (YUM!), or a family movie night on the couch!  Moving forward, I’m going to make the most of the little moments built into each day.  I encourage you to do the same!  And remember this sweet little saying (because it is so true!)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Boundaries - Lisa Clark

I'm writing this blog while sitting on the beach with my youngest. So I take this opportunity to ask her a few questions. What do you feel like has helped you most in your life establish roots in your faith? She answers with the obvious:  family, church, friends who shares my same values, school. But then she said "and boundaries."  "Boundaries in my home life and school life helped mold and shape me."  I like that answer.

I grew up in a Christian home. But when my parents divorced not only did my dad leave the home but all boundaries left with him. At 15 years of age I needed boundaries more than probably any other time in my life. No boundaries. No problem? Wrong. Boundaries give us direction. Otherwise the road is too broad and our sinful nature will automatically take us down the wrong way path. I can't tell you the number of times in my adult life I've thanked God I had the Holy Spirit guiding me through those boundary-less years. It could have been a lot worse.

Our kids will resist boundaries. Stand strong. The more you say "no" when they're young will enable you to say "yes" as they mature, make good choices, and become trustworthy. All of us need boundaries. We never stop needing boundaries. There is freedom for all of us as we learn to live within God's best for our lives. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Mother Daughter time... We still have space!

Hello there Moms!

We still have space for you to have some girl time at the Mother/Daughter retreat on March 27th-29th. We want YOU to come and experience an intentional and fun weekend with your daughter! 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Blessing the Priests in Your Home

The Lord Bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face to shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.  Numbers 6: 24-26

In the Old Testament, there is what was called a Levitical priesthood.  Moses brother Aaron was chosen and anointed by God to be the head priest.  Aaron and his sons led the Israelites in the sacrifices that were made at the temple.  The Lord told Moses to tell Aaron and his sons how to bless the Israelite people.  The passage in Numbers 6:22-26 is called The Priestly Blessing.

If you have children in your home that have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, you have a kingdom of priests living in your home that you can bless and pray over. Even if your children haven’t come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and savior, pray that this would be true in their lives.   1 Peter 2:9 says, but you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.