Sunday, October 16, 2011

Prayer Encouragement: "Pure Hearts" by Guest SkyMom, Terrie Chevaillier

Pure Hearts
Create in me a pure heart,
O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit
within me.  
Psalm 51:10

Pure hearts are created.  We are born with a sin nature, 
however, because of Jesus, it is possible for us
 to receive a new heart.
One that is pure and undefiled.
With all that our children are being bombarded with
in media and culture, I believe it is VERY important
that we pray this verse….so let’s pray God’s word
for our children today.
Heavenly Father, we praise you and thank You
for your son Jesus, who came to take away the
sins of the world.  And because of that, it
is possible for us to have hearts that are 
created pure.  You know every
impure thing that my child has to see or 
has stumbled across unknowingly and seen.
You know just how much of an influence that
media is having on them.  It gives me much
comfort to know that you know.
I pray that you would take away any ungodly
influence that is in their sphere of influence today, 
and where the world has threatened to muddy up their hearts, 
create in them a pure heart
by the power of your Word.
Where they have given in, your Word says
that you will renew their spirit to be 
Steadfast to say NO to the world and YES to You.

~Terrie Chevaillier, Guest SkyMom Prayer Encourager

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