Friday, December 14, 2012

Prayer Encouragement: "The Immanuel Prayer" by SkyMom, Terrie Chevaillier

The Immanuel Prayer

The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"--which means, "God with us.”  Matthew 1:23

You know how sometimes you see something over and over again.
You’ve seen it before, heard it before and read it before.
However at this particular time or season, you bump into it so many times you give pause to it.
For me, this Christmas season, it has been Immanuel, which means God with us.
This one word has lovingly reached my heart upon many occasions for me and my care and concern for others.  
One of my favorite blog writers, Emily P. Freeman who’s blog is called Chatting at the Sky wrote on Immanuel a few days ago as an alternative to pessimism and optimism.
READ IT… WILL be encouraged.
God With Us.
God with me….throughout the day.  God with me….in  the conflict.  God with me….in the joy of taking my kids to school.  God with me…baking the cookies.  God with me….as I pray and ask Him to impart on my heart who He would have our family bless this Christmas season.  God with me….as I pray about a friend I am worried about and then led to just say “Immanuel”….God with her…over the situation.
God with my kids…while studying and preparing for semester exams.  God with my kids….while one is driving home from college. God with my kids while one prepares for an important tryout.  God with my kids as I go before the Lord and ask that He keep them unstained from the world…after praying many words and requesting many areas I needed to feel His protection for them in…..I just stopped and said 
Immanuel.  Thank You God that You are in this with them.
Let’s Pray God’s Word:
Dear Father, we thank You that you sent Your son Jesus to this earth.
What a joy it is to celebrate this occasion.
Let us be changed as moms through the virgin birth.
Grow us in our trust of you.
Would you grant  us Mary trust?
We long for Immanuel trust.
Thank You God that you are with us.
~Terrie Chevaillier

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