Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Prayer Encouragement: "A Command with a Promise:" by SkyMom, Terrie Chevaillier

A Command with a Promise:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.  Honor your father and mother (which is the first commandment with a promise), so that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth.
Ephesians 6:1-3
Take notice as these three verses are directed to children.
Your Parents.
For this is right.
Things will go well for them and they may live a long life on the earth.
This past month, I took the opportunity to text my boys seven different verses each day of the week.  I put them in my calendar and each day
I would check which one I had pre planned to send them.
I went before the Lord and asked Him to give me scripture to pray
specifically for them for the month of January.
This passage was one of them.
At first, it was my intention to just pray a verse a day.
For some reason, it seemed that I was having a hard time sharing scripture or truth with them.
This thing and that seemed to be stealing this from our daily time.
So, I not only prayed it for them….I decided to just meet them where they were or we WE were this month…a little distracted and busy with 
a large task our family was undertaking and text it to them with an encouraging word pertaining to them.
As I reflect back on the month and the prayer I have seen answered…..
I have seen a new level of obedience from all ages of children…the biggest to the littlest.
This scripture packs a big punch:
It is the first commandment….with a promise!
In other words, do it and this is what happens.
Things will go well and you will live a long life.
Suffice it to say that obeying and honoring ones parents should bring the life we all dream and long for our children.
Let’s Pray God’s Word:
Lord, thank You for my children.  It is a privilege to be a parent and bring them up in the Lord.
I pray that they would have hearts that would desire to obey
their parents as You say this is right.
Help me to have courage where they are not obeying me to point them to the truth of Your Word…for it is right.
I look forward to the promise of things going well for them.
Their education, their character growth, their relationships…present and future….in their marriages and in their careers.
Thank you that it is right to expect them to obey it and that it will help them live a healthy and long life to serve You while on this earth.
~Terrie Chevaillier

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