Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sky Ranch Family Devotional…Jesus Reveals God to You, with Stacy A. Davis ~ Bible Teacher and Sky Ranch Board Member

Family Fun Icebreaker: In your family, who has been a trusted role model or mentor to you?

Question: Why is God trustworthy?

Topic 3: Trust—God Wants You to Know Him

Today’s Big Idea: Jesus Reveals God to You

Share with your family that Jesus, God’s Son, is a trustworthy source and He reveals God, the Father, to you.
The questions give your family the opportunity to share about learning to recognize a trustworthy source. Jesus, God’s Son, was sent by His Father to teach you about God. Jesus was asked to speak very specific things and relay a very important message. Jesus represented His family in a good way. Family members can represent their family in good or bad ways by their words and actions. Talk about the importance of Jesus’ words and actions. Jesus spoke truth, but was careful to read the behavior of His audience and their response to His words. There is wisdom in recognizing when to speak and when to stay silent. Explain how to know when it is safe to open up and how to recognize when it is not.

Talk with God: Read scriptures and questions below.

John 14:6 (NASB): “Jesus said to him, ’I am the way, and the truth,

and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.’”
John 12:49 (NASB) (Jesus is speaking): “For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me commandment, as to what to say, and what to speak.”

Walk with God:

Discuss with younger kids: It is good to trust others. You can trust your parents, grandparents, and some friends who want the best for you. You learn to see their hearts and kindness in sharing the truth with you. They can be trusted sources who want good things for you. Jesus is a trusted source who shares the good of God. During your life, not everyone will be trustworthy. There are people that you should not trust. How do you know who you should trust? How do you know a safe person from an unsafe one?

Discuss with older kids: Everyone who has been in school knows there really are bullies and they are not safe to trust. There are clues that tell you when someone is safe and you can trust them. What are the clues when someone is not safe? What are the clues that Jesus is telling the truth about God, the Father, and you can trust Him?

Prayer suggestion: Pray for God to reveal trustworthy friends. 

I will be praying for you!

Stacy A. Davis, Author
Sky Ranch Family Devotionals 

© 2013 Stacy A. Davis, Inc. All rights reserved.

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