Friday, April 17, 2015

Community Sharing Wisdom - Better Together Devotional by Stacy A. Davis

Family Fun Icebreaker: Who is a wise person that helped you? How?

Topic Question: How are we Better Together?

Today’s Big Idea: Community Sharing Wisdom
Imagine a group of people who use their wisdom to help the world around them. Imagine yourself in the group of wise people, speaking wisdom to help other people. In Colossians 3:16, scripture tells where the wisdom comes from; wisdom is found through the Word of Christ from the Holy Bible. You will become wiser when you spend time learning God’s Word. God makes you wise through His divine direction, and wants a wise community that encourages one another to learn from Him. He also wants this wise community to guide others to Jesus. In your family times, you are learning God’s Word and reading the Bible. God wants parents to teach their children at home. He also wants your family to meet with other Christian families so that you can share God’s Word with each other as the community of the church. Then, in unity, you can go out into the world, sharing God’s wisdom with others.

Talk with God: Read the scriptures aloud.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and
admonishing one another in all wisdom. Colossians 3:16 (ESV)
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to
you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5 (NLT)

Walk with God: Read aloud and discuss.
Sometimes, you need the help of others who are older and a little wiser. God asks you through His Word to meet with others in His community. He wants you to be part of a group that teaches and admonishes each other. Psalms and Proverbs are two of the books of the Bible that are often considered full of wisdom. Many Christians have a common practice of reading a Psalm or Proverb daily. Both books are full of short, wise sayings. You can quickly learn wise ideas to share with others. There are many other useful passages that organized Bible studies will help you understand. Consider joining a Bible study to further your understanding of the Bible. You can also ask to be advised by a trusted Christian mentor. Either option can help you learn God’s Word so that you can share His wisdom with a friend!

Discuss with your family: Can you see the value in a community of people who know God’s wisdom and share His Word with others in our world? What do you think are some of God’s wise words that would help others around you? How can a community sharing God’s wisdom in unity make a difference today?

Prayer suggestion: Pray for God’s wisdom to be in the community around you.

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