Monday, November 22, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude ~ Linda Paulk

As I sit here typing, the air is cool and crisp outside as autumn continues to reveal itself, and I am reminded of God’s greatness, providing us with the change of seasons…only something that could come from our creator.  I am so grateful!

I had the privilege of speaking to a group of ladies between the ages of 23 and 35 earlier this month.  The format was interview style. I was asked the question “if you could give one piece of advice to these ladies about success in their life whether it be career or family, what would it be?”

Almost 50 years of life and I will tell you that there is one thing that makes the difference every single day of my life.  It is having a heart and attitude of gratitude. What does this mean and how does one acquire it?

As Thanksgiving fast approaches, a time set aside where we focus on having a heart of gratitude, I ask the question...are we waiting for Thanksgiving, a one day occurrence or are we waking up each day with a grateful heart…approaching each day thanking God for all things?  I would like to challenge each one of us to condition ourselves to wake up and say “Thank you Lord for this beautiful day, thank you for my health, thank you for hot water, thank you for ice cubes, thank you for my children, my husband, thank you for the air that I breathe, thank you for the beauty of your creation, thank you for freedom…”  Sure, we all have challenges we are facing, but not one that God does not know about and is already taking care of and through each challenge comes growth.  God’s word tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 to thank God in all circumstances.  It does not say “when everything is going good”, or “just when you feel like it”, or “only when things go your way”. In obedience to His command, it says in ALL situations.  I am 100% sure that if you do this, you will experience a change in your life and through your obedience, your joy will be full…you will soon see the difference in your life. Tough to do?  Yes, alone, but the word says “Commit your ways unto the Lord and all of your thoughts shall be established” Proverbs 16:3.  Tough to do in your own strength, but not when we lean on HIS!

If we begin each day with an attitude of gratitude, we will be setting an example for our children that will better equip them for success.

So let’s all commit to making every day Thanksgiving Day! 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Sky Ranch is grateful for each and every one of you!

- Linda Paulk

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