Thursday, November 3, 2011

Teach Intentionally..."Family Time… Noticing Needs", with Stacy Davis ~ Bible Teacher and Sky Ranch Board Member

Family Time… Noticing Needs

As a Mom, I found that I had to be realistic with myself. Sometimes I just wasn’t the best at everything. It is very hard to do it all well. Also, as the kids got older and busier, I had a hard time keeping up with schedules, practices, responding to people, school paperwork, etc.. I was often drowning. At the end of our weekly family time, I began to add discussions of “events of the week” or “issues that needed decisions”. Over time, our family time started addressing some family needs were really helpful. We had more needs than I had realized. Often the need was really more of a problem that needed a solution. We would address problems either with school or a sport, or friend. The problems could even be an overscheduled kid with too little time for homework. Or as the kids aged, the need often was a relationship that needed healing. Often, Ideas for the needs came from our discussion of what we wanted to pray for.
Sometimes we whirl through life and don’t stop long enough to really notice our needs. God does tell us to be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10). And when we take the time to stop and meet with God, He will meet you right where you are. As a family, we learned that if we turned to Him in prayer and asked for help. Then, God responded by either identifying problems for us or by giving us solutions. God brought order to our chaos. He met our needs.
This week in your family time, I would encourage you to prepare by thinking though how you address your needs personally. Are you realistic with your own needs? Are you teaching your kids to be realistic with their needs? Before your weekly family time, take some time alone and pray for God to show you where your family needs help and ask Him for solutions. Teach your kids how to see their own need for God and His wisdom.
 God tells us that “He will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”(Philippians 4:19). It begins with you. Do you trust Him? Trust Him to show you the problems and solutions and teach your kids to trust Him too.
If you have questions, email me at
I will be praying for you! 
Stacy Davis
Click the link below for your free copy of the Sky Ranch “Open your Eyes” Family Devotional …

This week we are in the 3rd month and 1st week (or page 29) of the Sky Ranch Devotional “Open Your Eyes”…
Family Time 1:
Month 3 Topic: God can do anything because God made everything…Noticing/meeting needs
Talk with God: Read…Jeremiah 32:17, Romans 4:17
~ Jeremiah 32:17  Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heaven and the earth by Your great power and by Your stretched out arm, and there is nothing too difficult for You.
In Jer 32:17, is anything too hard for God? 
~ Romans 4:17  [Even] God, Who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.
In Rom 4:17, what does God call into being?
Walk with God: Discuss… Don’t you think this is an amazing statement… “calls into being that which does not exist”? God not only creates, but He invents. God sees what the need is and He meets it and we see nothing is too hard for Him. God sees needs and solutions. We are to imitate Him in our lives.  What needs are in your family? What are solutions to those needs?
Prayer suggestion… Pray for God’s help to see the needs in your family and ways to solve them.
Family Time 1: 
Leader Answers:
Things which do not exist
Discussion ideas: Family needs can be a system for organizing…laundry, schedules, family time, homework…or it can be time for talks preparing kids for choosing friends, dating or college.  Half of the solution is recognizing the problem. The other half of the solution is creating a way to solve the problem and doing it. Mother/Daughter or Father/Son retreats are ideal for special talks.

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