Friday, May 8, 2015

Community of Godly Devotion - Better Together Devotion by Stacy A. Davis

Family Fun Icebreaker: What is your favorite form of worship?

Topic Question: How are we Better Together?

Today’s Big Idea: Community of Godly Devotion
God wants your family to be part of a community that honors and respects Him. God’s desire is that the honor and respect that His community shows will encourage others to want to know Jesus, too. God is sovereign, or rules over all things. He actively controls  everything that happens. He spoke all things into existence (Psalm 33:9); He deserves the respect that is due to One who is that powerful! He has His throne in the heavens and rules over all (Psalm 103:19). He shows you an amazing amount of kindness by wanting a personal relationship with you. As a result of accepting Him, your heart will naturally feel a loving devotion toward Him, a true loyalty, and it will cause you to speak with respect to Him and about Him. God wants His community of like-minded people to be dedicated to respect, devotion, and acting honorably toward Him.

Talk with God: Read the scriptures aloud.
The LORD is a great God and a great King above all gods.
Psalm 95:3 (ESV)
The LORD has established his throne in the heavens, and his
kingdom rules over all. Psalm 103:19 (ESV)

Walk with God: Read aloud and discuss.
When you love the Lord and recognize Him as a great God and great King above all others, it will be evident in the words that you choose to say about Him; your words reflect your heart. God wants you to be in a community that speaks respectfully of Him by not using His name, or His Son’s name, in vain (meaning using the words “God” or “Jesus Christ” like a cuss word). He desires for you to share how much He has done for you to others. Your actions will speak even louder than your words by keeping a special day to honor Him set aside. By going to church and by making church friends and activities a priority to you and your family, you are making a statement about God that other people are seeing. You can show others that you respect God as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Discuss with your family: What are ways your family can show others that they are devoted to God? When you honor something, how do you show that it is important to you? What are ways to show that you honor God?

Prayer suggestion: Pray for God to help you show Him the amazing honor that He is due.

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