Monday, March 15, 2010

Partners in Parenting - by Lisa Clark

Partners in Parenting -

Moms, do you ever feel alone in your parenting? Dad's busy working or just not engaged in the parenting process? Usually, Dad feels like "you've got it down!" It's not so much that he doesn't want to be a part as maybe he feels he'll rock the boat if he gets too involved. Moms these days seem to keep all the balls in the air and maintain the peace fairly well. Well, in reality, we need Dad to be a partner in parenting. The balance is not only biblical, but necessary so our kids don't try to divide and conquer! When both parents are involved in discipline, scheduling and normal daily activities, kids see how family works best. Agreed, it's not always possible, but should be the goal.

If you are trying to help Dad feel a part of the process, try these things:

COMMUNICATION! Brad says I need to tell him what he needs to do sometimes. He simply can't read my mind! Really? I try to send a weekly email of the kid's schedule and prayer needs, so he'll feel in the loop and can offer to help out. Also, it's important that he knows what's going on, as well.

Encourage Date Night - Girls love to date their Dads, but most Dads need a nudge or reminder that Daddy's little girl needs some Daddytime. Moms, you can date your son, too. Show him what an incredible girl you are and what he has to look forward to!

A centrally located bulletin board or dry erase board with all the family's schedule helps build unity within the family. Everyone is able to see what the other has going on, and be more compassionate and helpful.

Moms, share your ideas on partners in parenting! We'd love to hear from you...

1 comment:

  1. I try really hard to ask Marcus' input and blessing on things with the kids... so he feels like he was part of the decision making process. Sometimes, it's a pain, but if I want him to engage, I have to make sure I am engaging him...
