Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sky Ranch Family Devotional…God Speaks, with Stacy A. Davis ~ Bible Teacher and Sky Ranch Board Member

Family Fun Icebreaker: How do you like to communicate with others? 

Question: How do you know God is real?

Topic 2: Trust—God is Real

Today’s Big Idea: God Speaks

Share with your family that God is real and speaks to you. You can recognize His voice, but it takes getting to know Him. Once you learn God’s way of speaking to you, and you learn to recognize when He is guiding your heart, it is evidence that God is real.
The questions give your family the opportunity to share about learning to recognize God’s voice. God communicates with you by His Holy Spirit and by the Holy Bible. You know in your heart His direction for you. If the message really is from God, it will match, not oppose, the Bible. However, once you understand His direction for you, do you listen and respond? Teach your family the value of listening to wise counsel and applying what you have learned. Share how God’s messages have helped you in your life.

Talk with God: Read scriptures and questions below.

Proverb 21:1 (NLT): “The king’s heart is like a stream of water

directed by the LORD, he guides it wherever he pleases.”
John 10:27 (NIV) (Jesus is speaking about His people): “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

Walk with God:

Discuss with younger kids: God wants you to know Him and understand Him. God guides you through the Bible, or sometimes through godly people that He uses, to remind you of His way. But when you recognize God’s guidance, do you slow down and listen? Do you recognize when God is guiding your heart through His Word? Do you spend much time talking to Him in prayer? Why is it good to listen to God’s advice?

Discuss with older kids: Do you consider the source? You can hear the opinion of your friends, TV talk show hosts, even lyrics in songs, but do you consider where their beliefs come from and what is motivating their point of view? Many times, their opinions are contrary to God and often self-centered. However, God has your best interests at heart. It can be hard to hear God if you don’t turn off all the other noise. God guides your heart through His Word. Why is it valuable to learn how to listen to God’s voice?

Prayer suggestion: Pray for God to help you find and recognize wise counsel. 

I will be praying for you!

Stacy A. Davis, Author
Sky Ranch Family Devotionals 

© 2013 Stacy A. Davis, Inc. All rights reserved.

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