Thursday, August 8, 2013

Lisa Life Lesson- "Here's to a Great New School Year!"

Binders, Crayons, Backpacks, a clean slate and new shoes...A NEW SCHOOL YEAR IS HERE!

Summer is over (almost) and school is upon us.  I love it.  We're about to send Camryn back to Baylor and she is ready to go.  All good things must come to an end. 

My favorite part of a new school year is getting my Mom Calendar out and all filled in.  New dates and new responsibilities.  Kid's activities. Meetings. Functions. Games. Practices.  It's so fun...for about 29 days.  Then reality sets in that I have a year's worth of activities, meetings, functions, practices...wait a minute? Who signed us up for all of this? Who got our family in this situation? We're running around like chickens with our heads cut off! Whyyy??? How did this happen???

Me.  It was me.  I signed us up for all of this.  I signed her up for soccer because all my friend's kids were playing soccer and I wanted to be with my friends, so I signed my daughter up for soccer.  Which includes 2 practices a week and a game on the weekend.  I signed him up for skills classes every Tuesday and Thursday because Mr. __________ said if he didn't take skills classes he would be left behind on the team and we don't want him left him left behind on the team for heaven's sake.  

You get the picture.  We are eager to go at the first of the school year and are "sign me up happy!"  We never consider our schedule, our family... or God's best.  

Here's a thought.  BEFORE signing up for anything, pray.  Bring the options before the Lord and seek Him.  Ask for peace and guidance over your school year.  Seek The Lord.  Ask for balance. 

Here's what happens when we just jump in and don't pray:  We get crazy, unbalanced and resentful.  Mad.  Our family is wheels off and we want to blame someone.  But the reality is we did this to ourselves.  Don't feel pressure to do it all.  Your kids are in 3rd grade once.  Don't miss it.  

Praying over scheduling puts God in charge.  This is where you want to be.  Under Him.

God bless you! It's going to be a great year!

Sky Ranch SkyMoms Parenting Mentor

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