Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Prayer Encouragement: "A Wise Woman" by SkyMom, Terrie Chevaillier

A Wise Woman

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands 
the foolish one tears hers down.
Proverbs 14:1

Who does not want to be a wise woman?  I know so many wise women around me that spend countless hours “building her house”.  Diligent, purposeful, and intentional planning to make her home an oasis of peace and love and a safe haven to come home to.  These women inspire me as I watch them!  
Have you ever felt wise one day and foolish the next?
One day, building with all sorts of love and then the next day, tearing down all of that you built?  

Let’s Pray God’s Word:
Father, thank You for Your Word that guides me in how to be a wise woman.  An influencer in my home.
Thank you for grace that enables me to build my house with love and guidance and wisdom.

Would you show me where I am tearing it down with my own hands, my mouth, my attitude, or my actions?

~Terrie Chevaillier

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