Thursday, August 27, 2015

222 Friends - Terrie Chevaillier

Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.2 Timothy 2:22

Over a year ago, I attended a retreat and the teaching for the weekend was on the book of first and second Timothy.  In the book of Timothy, Paul is writing to young Timothy about leading a life of godliness and teaching and encouraging others to do the same.   2 Timothy 2:22  was my “take away” verse from the retreat.

I have prayed it daily for my children, said it to them, texted it, and talked about it A LOT as two of mine are now in high school.  It matters who they run with!  I have started calling these people 222 friends from 2 Timothy 2:22.  In fact, the other day I just texted #222.  If you have never used a hash tag- start here!  They will never forget it.  #222

There is a lot of instruction in this verse.  It’s packed with action.  Flee! Pursue! Call on the Lord! It also reminds us that there are evil desires of youth.  I don’t even need to list those evil desires.  God gave you, the mom, the authority to instruct your kids to flee from them.
But then what?  Pursue! Don’t just tell them to flee from evil but encourage them to run towards righteousness, faith, love, and peace ALONG WITH THOSE who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

Some will say this sounds judgmental.  It’s not. It’s real- it’s God Word and instruction to believers.  Your child has a better chance of being an influence for the kingdom of God among the company and fellowship with others who desire to be a faithfully devoted follower of Christ. From there, they gain the courage to engage with those who don’t know Jesus. 

As they grow and mature, the hope is they will then be so grounded in their faith and Christian community that they are strong enough to engage with a lost and hurting world!  Don’t ever forget that important truth as you seek to encourage them to not only be a disciple but also to be a disciple maker.

Another way I like to phrase this bit of wisdom is with a question to my children.  I ask them if they are being more of an influence on others than others are on them.  They don’t have to think about that long.   They know.  The hope is mutual pure influence.  But if not, pray with them and for their friend and then encourage them to create some space until they are strong enough to be the main influence for good in the relationship.


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