Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ronda from~ The Family Table, brings us "Big Tomato Salad!"

Dear SkyMoms,

I hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend! We sure did enjoy the brief respite even though we had the excitement of a teeny tiny ambulance ride due to a minor trampoline mishap.   We sure give thanks that the injuries sustained were minor! Before we took our ambulance ride, we were enjoying the sunshine with friends and gearing up the bbq for a lovely dinner.

I don’t know about you, but when asked to bring a dish for a potluck party, I can have a hard time choosing that perfect dish to share. I waffle between a big casserole or dessert dish then sometimes veer off course altogether as I mull through book after book of recipes. I’m not sure why I make this such a tough decision because really the whole point of the day is spending time with friends leisurely eating, talking and laughing.

With that in mind, I forced myself to rein it in and bring a vibrant tomato salad. I poked around the garden and found an abundance of basil and a few red onions. What started out to be a humble little salad really ended up looking quite snazzy on my big white platter.  No one has to know that it only took about 15 minutes to throw together!

Big Tomato Salad
Heirloom Tomatoes, any amount desired, rough chopped into big pieces
Cucumber, peeled and sliced
Red Onion, thinly sliced
Mozzarella Balls, halved
Garlic cloves, minced (to taste)
Olive oil, a few big swirls
Balsamic Vinegar Reduction (the secret ingredient as far as I’m concerned)
1-2 T of sugar
Fresh basil, roughly chopped

In a big glass bowl, throw in the tomatoes, cucumber, red onion and minced garlic.  Drizzle with olive oil and mix with your hands. Using a slotted spoon, scoop all of the veggies onto a big platter reserving juice in the bottom of the bowl. Add a little sugar and mix with the juice. Drizzle back over tomatoes. Scatter the mozzarella balls on top. Top with chopped basil. Sprinkle with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Take the balsamic reduction and drizzle over the top of the whole salad. Enjoy!

*balsamic reduction can be found near the balsamic vinegar. If you can’t find, you can substitute plain balsamic vinegar. But, the reduction is really worth the splurge!

Many blessings and Happy Cooking,
Ronda from The Family Table

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