Monday, September 19, 2011

A Woman's Encouragement...from Linda Paulk, Sky Ranch CEO and President

 A Woman's Encouragement

Hi Moms!  What a gentle reminder of the amazing God we serve as we experience His creation with a “hint” of Fall through the “brief” drop in temperatures last week.  I love Fall, don’t you? The pumpkin bagels at Einstein’s, cool air, the vibrant colors, the smell of candles that shift to pumpkin spice, apple cider,  and other familiar Fall scents in the stores we all love to visit, pumpkin latte’s at Starbucks
and more.    As I have prayed for each one of you and your children starting another school year, I am reminded of how exciting this time of year is for school age families, but also about how stressful the time can be with the hectic schedules, and when many kids may experience the first time feeling that they do not fit in.  Every child at some point as they go through their growth and development will have this feeling.  Gosh, many of us adults experience this too.  It is important as parents for us to realize that this is a very real feeling.  When a child tells us they don’t feel like they fit in or “belong”, they are telling us that they do not feel safe and secure.  This feeling is huge for them and as parents, it is our responsibility to not only express understanding, but help equip them to work through their emotions and “right size” the feeling.  Some helpful steps: Don’t over react, before you go to the phone, go to the throne and pray for and with your child without seizing, acknowledge the way they are feeling and connect with your child by telling them that you understand their feelings…perhaps share a story from your childhood where you felt this way too and how you worked through it, encourage your child by reminding them that they were created by God, fearfully and wonderfully made…that they were created in the image of God…and that God loves them with unconditional love, no matter what…and no matter how alone they might feel, God knows exactly how they feel and His arms are open wide to provide the strength and comfort they need to work through their emotions.  Claim the scriptures that remind us of God’s promises of transforming our minds and establishing our thoughts.  
Romans 12:2, Proverbs 16:3

As always, know that the Sky Ranch ministry continues to pray for each and every one of you and if we can provide support in anyway, please let us know.  Can’t wait to see you soon at Sky Ranch.

Linda Paulk
Sky Ranch CEO and President 

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