Monday, September 26, 2011

Tips from Tori...Pinterest!

Are you looking for that special something to cook tonight? Or that picture to put with a  Bible verse? A craft to do with a group of kids?  A do it yourself project for a rainy day?  How to put a clothing group together, or even how to hang a grouping of pictures....?  Well Pinterest is my new found Hobby, with many of those answers and more at your fingertips.
Let me warn is a little addicting :)!

Today I went looking for a carrot recipe, so I thought I would share....

Honey Glazed Balsamic Carrots

Here is a great quick and brain-dead-easy grilled side dish that can compliment a wide variety of dishes. If you've got the grill fired up, these take mere minutes. How can you really go wrong with carrots, balsamic, and honey?

6 carrots (as equal in size as possible)
1/8 cup Balsamic vinegar
1/8 cup Honey

Combine the balsamic and honey in a small bowl, whisk to combine and set aside.

Peel, trim and slice the carrots in half horizontally.

Put them in a zip-top bag and seal, leaving about an inch unsealed.

Cook the carrots on high in the microwave for two minutes, or until they are slightly flexible. This shortens the grilling time greatly.

Note: You may need to adjust the cooking time depending on the size of your carrots and the power of your microwave.

Grill the carrots on a medium-high grill (about 400*) for three minutes.

Flip them over, brush them with the glaze and continue grilling another three minutes.

Remove the carrots to a platter and brush them with the glaze.

Serve and enjoy.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Super-Sized SkyMom Gathering~Maggiano's Plano

A special thanks to our hostesses:
Amanda, Jennie, Kim, Tara and Sonya,
 who sponsored tables and invited their friends to enjoy food, fun, fellowship, and spiritual encouragement!
 Also a special thanks to Lisa Clark, Sky Ranch SkyMoms Parenting Mentor, 
who gave us an encouraging message on
 “Back to school and back to crazy… keeping chaos at a distance”
I love Lisa's Stop...Drop...and Roll, reminder!
Sometimes to keep "Chaos at a distance",we need to
 STOP what we are doing (the things making us crazy).
DROP some of the activities that are not so important in our schedule that do not have Eternal value! Or
ROLL with the choices we have made, and make the best of it... Glorifying the Lord with our actions and attitude!!

Upcoming other Super-Sized Gatherings are:
Timmaron Country Club - Southlake, Texas
Ridglea Country Club -Ft. Worth, Texas
Maggianos- Northpark for Park Cities/Highland Park, Texas
Prestonwood South Location-Dallas Texas
Ricks Chophouse -McKinney, TX
Stonebriar Country Club- Frisco, Texas

Tori Miller
Sky Ranch SkyMom Ministry Director

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Prayer Encouragement: "Jesus Grew" by Guest SkyMom, Terrie Chevaillier

Jesus Grew...

Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature
and in favor with God and all the people  
Luke 2:52 (NLT)
And the child grew and became strong;
he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.
Luke 2:40 

Sometimes, when I am tempted to become frustrated
 because my children “haven’t arrived” to this place or that…
I find so much comfort in this verse.
Jesus grew….here on this earth where
he walked and talked with his mother and father.
He was not only a part of a royal priesthood,
but an earthly family….with a mother a brother and a father.
He grew in wisdom.
He grew in stature.
He grew in favor…
with God and people.
Let’s pray God’s word for our children today:
Father, please give me grace today for my child.
Grace to give them the space to grow.
Understanding to know they haven’t arrived.
Help me to lead them to places where they will
grow in wisdom.  Church, small group
Sky Ranch and all of the other
wonderful places on this earth we have
to learn about you…so many where your word is taught.
Really give me grace to understand they
are still growing in wisdom…they have not fully arrived.
They haven’t arrived fully in the spiritual or the physical.
I want a real understanding to come over me
that their brains are still growing, developing, and forming.
Grace to give out when they are not
performing to the academic standard that I have set for them,
and a willing heart to surrender their developmental maturity
to your time….a real understanding that they are the created
and you are the Creator.
And Lord, as they are growing to become more like you,
I pray that they would find favor with you,
and because of that favor that they first have from you,
that they would then receive it from people…because
Of Jesus Christ in them, the hope of all glory!
~Terrie Chevaillier, Guest SkyMom Prayer Encourager

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Woman's Encouragement...from Linda Paulk, Sky Ranch CEO and President

 A Woman's Encouragement

Hi Moms!  What a gentle reminder of the amazing God we serve as we experience His creation with a “hint” of Fall through the “brief” drop in temperatures last week.  I love Fall, don’t you? The pumpkin bagels at Einstein’s, cool air, the vibrant colors, the smell of candles that shift to pumpkin spice, apple cider,  and other familiar Fall scents in the stores we all love to visit, pumpkin latte’s at Starbucks
and more.    As I have prayed for each one of you and your children starting another school year, I am reminded of how exciting this time of year is for school age families, but also about how stressful the time can be with the hectic schedules, and when many kids may experience the first time feeling that they do not fit in.  Every child at some point as they go through their growth and development will have this feeling.  Gosh, many of us adults experience this too.  It is important as parents for us to realize that this is a very real feeling.  When a child tells us they don’t feel like they fit in or “belong”, they are telling us that they do not feel safe and secure.  This feeling is huge for them and as parents, it is our responsibility to not only express understanding, but help equip them to work through their emotions and “right size” the feeling.  Some helpful steps: Don’t over react, before you go to the phone, go to the throne and pray for and with your child without seizing, acknowledge the way they are feeling and connect with your child by telling them that you understand their feelings…perhaps share a story from your childhood where you felt this way too and how you worked through it, encourage your child by reminding them that they were created by God, fearfully and wonderfully made…that they were created in the image of God…and that God loves them with unconditional love, no matter what…and no matter how alone they might feel, God knows exactly how they feel and His arms are open wide to provide the strength and comfort they need to work through their emotions.  Claim the scriptures that remind us of God’s promises of transforming our minds and establishing our thoughts.  
Romans 12:2, Proverbs 16:3

As always, know that the Sky Ranch ministry continues to pray for each and every one of you and if we can provide support in anyway, please let us know.  Can’t wait to see you soon at Sky Ranch.

Linda Paulk
Sky Ranch CEO and President 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ronda from~ The Family Table, brings us "Big Tomato Salad!"

Dear SkyMoms,

I hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend! We sure did enjoy the brief respite even though we had the excitement of a teeny tiny ambulance ride due to a minor trampoline mishap.   We sure give thanks that the injuries sustained were minor! Before we took our ambulance ride, we were enjoying the sunshine with friends and gearing up the bbq for a lovely dinner.

I don’t know about you, but when asked to bring a dish for a potluck party, I can have a hard time choosing that perfect dish to share. I waffle between a big casserole or dessert dish then sometimes veer off course altogether as I mull through book after book of recipes. I’m not sure why I make this such a tough decision because really the whole point of the day is spending time with friends leisurely eating, talking and laughing.

With that in mind, I forced myself to rein it in and bring a vibrant tomato salad. I poked around the garden and found an abundance of basil and a few red onions. What started out to be a humble little salad really ended up looking quite snazzy on my big white platter.  No one has to know that it only took about 15 minutes to throw together!

Big Tomato Salad
Heirloom Tomatoes, any amount desired, rough chopped into big pieces
Cucumber, peeled and sliced
Red Onion, thinly sliced
Mozzarella Balls, halved
Garlic cloves, minced (to taste)
Olive oil, a few big swirls
Balsamic Vinegar Reduction (the secret ingredient as far as I’m concerned)
1-2 T of sugar
Fresh basil, roughly chopped

In a big glass bowl, throw in the tomatoes, cucumber, red onion and minced garlic.  Drizzle with olive oil and mix with your hands. Using a slotted spoon, scoop all of the veggies onto a big platter reserving juice in the bottom of the bowl. Add a little sugar and mix with the juice. Drizzle back over tomatoes. Scatter the mozzarella balls on top. Top with chopped basil. Sprinkle with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Take the balsamic reduction and drizzle over the top of the whole salad. Enjoy!

*balsamic reduction can be found near the balsamic vinegar. If you can’t find, you can substitute plain balsamic vinegar. But, the reduction is really worth the splurge!

Many blessings and Happy Cooking,
Ronda from The Family Table

Monday, September 12, 2011

Prayer Encouragement: "Accepted/Rejected….Stay or Shake off the Dust" by Guest SkyMom, Terrie Chevaillier

Accepted/Rejected….Stay or Shake off the Dust

If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. 

When you knock on the door, be courteous in your greeting. 
If they welcome you, be gentle in your conversation. 
If they don’t welcome you, quietly withdraw. 
Don’t make a scene.  Shrug your shoulders and be on the way. 
(The Message)
Matthew 10:14

We have been praying God’s word for our children
regarding the paths they will choose this year as they start school.
We have asked the Lord that our children would be
a sweet fragrance to others around them because of Christ in them
and ultimately be drawn to Him through the love of 
our children to others.
What about the times when this does not happen……when Christ in our children
causes them to be rejected by others.
In Matthew 10 Jesus is preparing his disciples to go out into the world and
make disciples.  He is telling them that in some places they
will be accepted…but in other places they will be rejected.
He doesn’t just warn them, but He goes on to tell them exactly what to do when this happens.
Either stay and let your peace rest on that place, or move on….shake off the dust
and shrug your shoulders and move on…..quietly and 
without a scene.
Let’s pray God’s word for our children:
Heavenly Father, thank You that You allow us to take part in 
Your kingdom building.
And, thank You for Your Word that clearly explains what Your children
will encounter when going out to show others Your love.
I pray that as my child enters new circles of friends and relationships this year,
that they would take Your truths as they gently proclaim Your love to others.
If they are received by others, I pray that Your kingdom would be multiplied
as a result of Christ in them.  Give them courage and strength
to disciple those around them…courage to invite others to church, confidence to
tell their stories of coming to know You and 
real life experiences of what a personal
relationship with You looks like.  Give them creative visions and desires to
start bible studies or prayer circles so that others will know 
You as a Father.
I pray they would have Your strength to stay and make disciples.
We realize this might not happen in all of their encounters this year.
When that is the case, I pray that my child would have the security
and confidence in You to shake if off….shake off the rejection, the hurt, 
the loss of friendship.
Let them not carry it around in their emotions, or let it steal their joy.
Give them the strength to quietly withdraw and leave the lies
that the enemy is trying to get them to believe at the foot of Your cross.
And then let them be on their way….to love and serve You.
~Terrie Chevaillier, Guest SkyMom Prayer Encourager

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lisa Life Lesson ~"Mom Tears"

Mom Tears

So today is one of those days where I just want to sit in my chair and cry.  Ever have one of those days?  I don't really have a lot going on today.  Thank goodness.  7am meeting at the school - check.  Luncheon in a few hours.  Clean the house.  Do some laundry.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  But I just want to cry.  Maybe I'm tired?  Maybe I'm hormonal.  Maybe I'm sad.  I do know that my prayer list is really long.  So many people grieving.  Out of work.  Lost loved ones.  Defiant children.  Dying parents.  Struggling to get pregnant.  The list is so long.  

My kids are growing up.  Maybe I'm sad about that.  I don't know.  Probably.

I have so much to be thankful for.  No doubt. 

Still want to cry.  

Even though I'm not sure why I'm overly emotional today, God knows.  He knows my heart.  He knows my every thought.  And He cares.

He wants to be there for me and walk me through this and that alone is worth the tears today.  To know my Savior loves me and is going to curl up with me in this chair and wait it out with me. I'm not depressed or suffering.  Just having one of those days.

Mom tears are so valuable to the Lord.  He knows we are overwhelmed many days.  Turning our children over to Him is so hard.  Remembering they are His and not ours is strange and difficult.  

I love you, Moms.  God loves you, too.  I'm thankful for the tears.  Really.  

Psalm 34:18 - "The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit."

Lisa Clark
Sky Ranch SkyMoms Parenting Mentor

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sky Ranch SkyMom Jennifer ....Giving the Gift of Life

"I ran into Jennifer at a Sky Ranch DayCamp Closing Ceremony just days before the delivery of these precious gifts of life... I have been anxiously awaiting for this story to be in print for so many to hear how incredibly sweet and how the Lord worked through every part and detail of this entire process.  Thank you Jennifer for sharing this story with us!"  We are so blessed to have your family be apart of our Sky Ranch family!
Tori Miller
Sky Ranch SkyMom Ministry Director

Giving the Gift of Life

By Brandi Chambless, Contributing Writer
It has been said that a woman just knows when her family is complete. This is the true story of two women. It cuts so deep into the places that only God can see, even the mention of what happened in the lives of these two women causes embroiled debates from capitals, to courthouses, to coffee shops. It begins with Anna. Day and night, Anna had an unsettled feeling. She just was not done. And the person she had been hoping to meet was 1,000 miles away.
Lantana, Texas is known for being an award-winning master planned community renowned for a design that lends itself to a neighborly feel, promoting a modern family lifestyle and offering amenities that foster togetherness. Tony and Jennifer, a Lantana couple with five children, appreciate the Lantana culture and have lived there for several years. Even with the active schedule of managing a career, a household, and five children, there was nothing uncommon about getting together for some recreational time with friends. It was at one such gathering that a new season of life began, but one that they could have never guessed.
One week earlier, as Jennifer attended her 2009 wellness visit just months after the birth of her fifth child, she thought, “Wow...I’m never gonna be pregnant again.” With her youngest now 6 months old, she felt that one door of her life was closing while another door to the unknown was opening. She was a little unsure of exactly what to expect as she imagined her children growing older and what life without diapers would be like someday.
A few days later, Jennifer and her husband Tony were attending a casual party with a few friends. She was captivated by a girlfriend’s story of someone close to her named Anna who struggled with infertility and had endured 7 failed in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures and 9 failed intrauterine insemination (IUI) procedures. Anna and her husband Joseph, who live out-of-state, had reached a decision to search for a surrogate mother to carry their fertilized embryos.
“I’ve always wanted to be a surrogate mother,” Jennifer said. “Before leaving the party, my girlfriend told me that if I was truly serious she would put me in touch with Anna. I agreed.”
When Tony and Jennifer arrived at their home later that night, she disclosed to him the details of Anna’s story that had gripped her in what started as a seemingly random discussion at the party. “I told him that I wanted to find out more about becoming a surrogate Mom for Anna.” Tony’s initial reaction was one of confusion, like most people, not knowing a lot about surrogacy. After researching multiple blogs along with the Agency for Surrogacy Solutions website (www.agency4solutions. com), the organization that would be facilitating Anna’s journey, Tony also felt a strong compulsion to pursue a path that just 24 hours earlier had been the furthest thing from his thoughts. “We were both feeling called toward doing this,” he said.
Once word traveled to Anna about Jennifer’s willingness to help her, she asked the California based agency to get in touch with the North Texas couple. Following several standard initial evaluations with the agency, plans were made for the couples to be introduced by conference call.
Jennifer and Tony found their new acquaintances to be a fine couple who already had one 7 year old daughter and a long subsequent history of infertility. After months of medical evaluations, psychological testing, and criminal background checks, Jennifer and Tony were approved for surrogacy. Their relationship with Anna and Joseph grew deeper than the agency prerequisites.
In an industry that is not without physiological and psychological risks along with the potential for legal missteps, the Agency for Surrogacy Solutions was there to facilitate the process. Lauri Berger de Brito, co-owner of the agency said, “We could not have had a better match in the two couples and just a perfect scenario for surrogacy.” The Agency for Surrogacy Solutions only works with surrogates in states that require a decree ordering the name of the intended parents on the birth certificate prior to the transfer, along with le- gal documentation that a surrogate has relinquished any intent to acquire parental rights.
Before signing any contracts, Jennifer and Tony called a family meeting with the five most important people in their lives. Their children at the time ranged from 1 through 12 years of age. “How would you guys feel about Mommy babysitting someone else’s baby in her belly for a while? Another Mom’s belly is broken. This won’t be your brother or sister, for we could never give a brother or sister away,” the conversation went. The children were intrigued to see what would happen next.
Once Jennifer had successfully weaned her youngest child at the age of 14 months, Tony assisted her through the eight weeks of injections required to maximize the success of the upcoming embryo implantation. The couples were then scheduled to meet in California for the transfer of Anna and Joseph’s embryos in an IVF procedure.
“I didn’t want to end up like an Octomom,” Jennifer confessed her greatest fear since the transfer would take place in California, a state generally known for more liberal-leaning pub- lic policies on the already largely unregulated IVF industry, as readily evidenced in main- stream media through the work of Dr. Michael Kamrava when he transferred 12 embryos to Nadya Suleman who was already the single, unemployed mother of 6 IVF children.
Dr. Jeffrey Nelson of the Huntington Re- productive Center in Los Angeles, CA did the transfer. I was relieved that he only implanted two embryos though there was always a chance of splitting,” said Jennifer.
The transfer resulted in a successful pregnancy. At 7 weeks, Anna and Joseph flew to Dallas for Jennifer’s OB appointment at which time the couples found out together that both embryos had successfully attached. Eventually the twins were developed enough to deter- mine that they were both boys. In the months following, Anna came each month to a sonogram appointment.
“Keeping in mind that the twins would be returned to their biological mother at birth,” Jennifer said, “I just asked God to guard my heart through the entire pregnancy. I prayed about it before the transfer. Then, I never al- lowed my children to touch my belly or attach to the twins as I had encouraged them to do in the birth of their siblings.”
Jennifer shared the progress of her entire pregnancy with Anna. She emailed pictures, they talked by phone, and visited in person whenever possible…even finding themselves shopping together from time to time. Though Jennifer kept a low profile in the community during the pregnancy and was eventually on bed rest, some friends and family who were aware of her surrogacy would ask questions like, “Couldn’t you just keep one baby and give the other one to Anna?” “I knew that they did not understand these
babies were not mine, that I was simply the vessel,” said Jennifer. She recalls how most people centered on what they considered to be the heart-wrenching scenario of “giving” the boys away, but working with the agency, Tony and Jennifer focused more attention toward managing Jennifer’s health overall. “Becoming a surrogate is not for everyone. The surrogate’s health is at risk as it is with any other pregnancy.”
In the case of surrogacy, the highest risk of obstetrical complications is due to multiple births. In addition, Jennifer and Tony, being from a devout Catholic Italian family, had to overcome the initial worry that they would be scrutinized by those who question the ethical implications of what might be considered playing God in the modern assisted reproductive technologies industry. Another concern they had was whether or not selective reduction would be practiced in their IVF procedure.
“In our IVF procedure, there was no selective reduction,” said Jennifer, referring to the common modern practice of implanting more embryos than desired, and aborting the weakest ones after several weeks, leaving behind the strong ones to be delivered to term.
“While surrogacy in this case may be motivated by altruism, many question its ethics and practical consequences,” said Dorinda Bordlee, Senior Counsel for Bioethics Defense Fund (, a legal organization that educates legislators about the ethical problems with surrogacy bills that allow what she calls ‘wombs for rent.’
“The compassion that fertile women have for infertile couples is good and noble, but it is unethical for women to be commodified as incubators, and to infringe the child’s right to be born of a father and mother known to him and bound to each other by marriage,” said Bordlee. She also points to a recent expose by the Center for Bioethics and Culture about two attorneys in California who use cash-inducements to lure women into surrogacy without telling them that the babies they birth will be sold in an underground market to the highest bidder.
Nevertheless, in spite of potential health risks and varying opinions on the ethics of surrogacy, Jennifer and Tony felt this was an opportunity to help Anna and Joseph and give children a chance at living life. In addition to the more ominous concerns, the daily practical implications for Jennifer’s family were similar to when she carried her biological children. “My husband Tony had to endure all the normal things a woman goes through while being pregnant. I had cravings and mood swings like every other pregnancy.” Ultimately, Tony’s brother moved in just to help with the family duties while Jennifer was on bed rest. Everyone had a part in the sacrifice. Jennifer and Tony used it as a teaching tool for their children.
On June 30, 2011 during a routine visit to her obstetrician, Dr. Guy Van Dell at Flower Mound Women’s Care in Parker Square, he announced that Jennifer was in the beginning stages of labor. She reported to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Flower Mound.
Anna and Joseph boarded a plane to Dallas, arriving in time for the birth, where the hospital staff accommodated the intended parents as if they also were delivering the babies. With both couples in the operating room, the boys were delivered naturally at 2:58 PM and 3:02 PM.
“I didn’t want to be the first to hold them,” said Jennifer, “I wanted Anna and Joseph to be the first to touch them. The boys were their children. When I looked at them all, their reactions were the same as if Anna had just given birth.”
Jennifer credits Dr. Van Dell for carrying the twins for 36 weeks. “If it wasn’t for him I don’t think I would have stayed pregnant as long as I
did. The boys had no NICU time, which is incredible for twins, and were the biggest twins to date born at the hospital—bigger than two of my biological children!”
The popular 1990s sitcom Friends once featured an episode in which Phoebe became a surrogate mother. “Though I have never seen that episode, many people remind me about it. I never imagined that I’d ever be living in Lantana, TX with five children and doing the same thing. Some people in my neighborhood never knew I was pregnant. After the birth, I announced it on my Facebook page - just a simple message, ‘The babies are here.’”
The day after the delivery, Anna brought one of the twins into Jennifer’s hospital room, along with breakfast for her friend. She invited Jennifer, Tony, and all the kids to come over for a visit into their room where everyone had a chance to hold them and take pictures. In a moment, when Jennifer said goodbye, she and Tony closed the door behind them to newly born Daniel and Isaiah’s room and departed for home. She thought, “Accomplishment – a job well done. A family was about to begin again – one door closed and another door opened.” She will never forget how one night at a friend’s party changed her life, sending her and Tony on a most unexpected journey.

Jennifer and Anna have remained in touch to this day, having reversed roles since it is now Anna who shares pictures with her friend in Lantana. They plan to remain friends for life. When asked about the experience, Jennifer says she would do it again. She ships breast milk to Daniel and Isaiah weekly.

Some of the names in this article have been changed to conceal the identity of the parents and twins. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tips from Tori "James 4:8"

Trust, Rely, Wait, Believe, Rejoice, Relax

 Come near to God and he will come near to you.

 7-10So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he'll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it's the only way you'll get on your feet.
(The Message)

Hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend, and are now enjoying the cooler temps!
Take a little time to 
Trust, Rely, Wait, Believe, Rejoice, Relax
this week!

Tori Miller
Sky Ranch SkyMom Ministry Director

Friday, September 2, 2011

Prayer Encouragement: "Physical and Spiritual Training" by Guest SkyMom, Terrie Chevaillier

Physical and Spiritual Training

"Physical training is good, 
but training for godliness is much better,
 promising benefits in this life and in the life to come."
1 Timothy 4:8 

 The Lord has prompted this verse in my heart many times,
but it seems that during this season, my family needs it the most.

Back to school not only brings academic commitments,
but added sports commitments…inside and outside of school.

These experiences have proven to be all great things…new friendships,
an awareness of the way God has gifted my boys athletically,
discipline, perseverance, confidence, and the list could go on.

The Lord is sweet to tell us that these things are good, but there is
a training that is much better:  training in godliness.

Let’s pray God’s Word:
Father, thank you that you tell us that physical training is good.
So many of our children have had numerous
opportunities for physical training in sports, cheer, teams, band,
and in all of the other ways you provide for us to use our bodies
and bring glory to You. 

While enjoying these gifts, please give us as moms
an understanding and courage to not allow
what is good to rob from what is the best….training in Godliness.

Oh, how tempting it is to worry and become anxious about allowing
our children to miss a practice or workout for fear they will get behind.

Please Lord help us to heed your word and purposefully
carve out time for family devotions, sweet meal times together,
family prayer, unhurried time to pray with our children
as they get up in the morning and as they lie down at night.

Please prick our hearts with your gentle conviction
when we are allowing our family schedule to
be dominated by good things, but not your best.

Help us to say yes to church, worship, youth group, small group,
or other opportunities for training in godliness, trusting
that as we put these things first and pursue 
we get THE BEST…benefits in this life and the life to come!
~Terrie Chevaillier, Guest SkyMom Prayer Encourager