Monday, October 22, 2012

Prayer Encouragement: "Who's Helping Who?" by SkyMom, Terrie Chevaillier

Who's Helping  Who?

Genesis 2:18
The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

I recently started a bible study this fall on the book of Genesis.  Even though I have read the story of creation many times, I stand amazed daily at the new truths God is imparting to my heart.
And, a rather helpful reminder to my heart has been Genesis 2:18. I have read it, I have heard teaching on it, I have read books describing it in detail....but still, I found myself trying to reverse the gift so to speak.
You see, God gave woman to man as a gift to him. In verse 19 it goes on to say that God brought her to the man.  A gift to man. A helper to man.
So....I will confess conviction on this particular verse.
Last week as I left to go out the door to bible study....on the book of Genesis, I recited my list of things I needed my husband to do for me.  In my opinion, one was a rather urgent need.  My cell phone was not functioning properly and you know how that just tends to make you feel like you are disconnected and cut off from the urgent....sadly...not that I love to admit that.  Given the fact that my husband has been gifted in the area of negotiation, I just felt that he would be the best man for the job of contacting our service provider, waiting on hold for however long that might take, ordering me a new phone and making changes to the plan where necessary.
As I left this need in his lap, I didn't ask if he had margin in his day to help me with it and I sort of just expected him to immediately get to it along with a few other items I was less than patient about.  He took my somewhat bossy requests and nicely said that he would handle it.
All good...right? Not least not good in my heart.  Often my timeline and his are slightly different by sometimes hours and often days....if you know what I mean. So off I went to bible study driving in my car rehearsing in my mind what my plan would be if this had not been done when I got home. 
So, on to bible study to go over a chapter that I had spent most of the week on.  Somehow, Genesis 2:18 had hit some rocky soil in my heart and failed to take root that week. In such a sweet way....the Lord spoke to my heart and gently reminded me that He had created  ME to be a helper for my husband and somewhere along the way...I had developed an attitude of the heart that it went the other husband created to help me.   I did get my phone and all is good in my connectedness to the world, however I got to experience a deeper connectedness with my husband this past week as I kept this verse at the forefront of my day.  Sweetness and pure joy were exchanged for bossy and demanding.

Let's Pray God's Word:
Lord, thank you that you have given ME as a gift to my husband. A helper suitable just for him.
Show me where you uniquely created me to be just the perfect helper for how you creatively designed him.
Show me the  gifts that I am withholding from a heart that has it all mixed up.
Where is he feeling alone because of my misunderstanding of Your Word?
I know that even though we might be living life together daily...he can still feel alone if I am not functioning in the role of helper.
You created this world with a purpose and a plan and I pray that I would yield to that Devine plan. Helper Suitable. Suited to his needs over my own needs,
And Lord, I long to pass on a healthy vision of marriage to my children.
Give me mercy and grace for do overs and let them see a mom that is a helper suitable for her man!
~Terrie Chevaillier

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