Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lisa Life Lesson ~"Discipline Isn't Cool"

"Discipline Isn't Cool"

As children grow up, discipline gets more difficult for many reasons.  We let things like whether or not our kids will like us get in the way of discipline.  Understanding the very short window of opportunity we have to truly disciple and discipline our children will fix that problem usually.  But it still exists.  Discipline becomes uncomfortable as they grow older.  We have to deal with situations we're, frankly, not comfortable with.  So, sometimes, we just let it go for fear of getting out of our comfort zones.  Friends, clothes, relationships, cheating, curfews, movies, tv, technology...and the list goes on of things we just don't want to deal with on a daily basis.  So, we put it off.  I have to force myself to get into the discipline game many days.  I see the big picture and not the minutia of the day.  But it's in the small things that lie the teaching opportunities and result in discipleship.  Force yourself to get in the game.  Deal with problems or "opportunities" as they arise and keep things on the table.  

I can look back at my life, and still today, and thank Jesus for loving me enough to discipline me.  Can't you?  Our children are looking to us to love them just as much.

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." 
 Hebrews 12:11

Lisa Clark
Sky Ranch SkyMoms Parenting Mentor

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