Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lisa Life Lesson ~"Fear of Rejection"

Fear of Rejection

I've read Paul Tripp's book, "Age of Opportunity - A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens" many, many times.  However, I read with a fresh mind the following statement the other day..."It is so easy to lose sight of the fact that these are God's children.  They do not belong to us.  They are given not to bring us glory, but Him.  Our teens are from him, they exist through him, and the glory of their lives points to him.  Our identity is rooted in him and his call to us, not in our children and their performance.  The ultimate rejection that should make us weep is not that they have rejected us, but him."


We get lopsided in our goals and expectations for family.  God created family for his glory.  So that the unit (family) could glorify him collectively and grow in him.  Somewhere along the way, we've missed this truth and found ourselves focused on the here and now.  And the sad truth is, we're teaching our children that glorifying us is much more important than him.  Please us, make us look good, let us brag about your many accomplishments, so at the end of the day we are SUPER PARENTS!!! DAH DAH DAH DAHHHHHHH!!!

When I take self out of the mix, I take away my selfish ambitions for my child and focus on what God has for them.  Why am I more concerned about my relationship with my daughter than her relationship with God?  I shouldn't be.  Yet I am.  I want her to like me.  I want to be her friend.  I want her and her friends to think I'm cool. 

This is the disconnect our children take with them to college and ultimately fall prey to the 70-80% who leave their faith.  This concept that God is somewhere up in the clouds and not really in my day to day activity.  I'm glad He's there, but right now I'm focused on all this other stuff.  One day I'll focus on God.  Up there somewhere.  

When I read that line from Tripp's, book, "The ultimate rejection that should make us weep is not that our children have rejected us, but HIm" I cringe.  "Oh Father God, help me to understand this message.  Help me not get in the way of your glory.  You alone deserve all praise and worship.  You alone."

~Lisa Clark
Sky Ranch SkyMoms Parenting Mentor

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