Thursday, March 15, 2012

Prayer Encouragement: "Why SkyMoms Pray God's Word Part Three" by SkyMom, Terrie Chevaillier

Why Sky Moms Pray God's Word Part Three

It turned out that whenever Moses raised his hands, Israel was winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, Amalek was winning. Exodus 17:11. ( The Message)

I love this account in Exodus where Moses is lifting up his hands to the Lord in praise to Him believing that Joshua would have victory over the power of their enemy, Amalek.  God had promised it and the victory had already been declared.  Moses'  believing faith took part in the victory.  By faith, He believed what the Lord said and declared it with his hands to a holy all powerful God who was ultimately in charge. When he grew tired, verse 12 says that Aaron and Hur came alongside him and supported his hands...thus getting to see Joshua as the victor in the battle over Amalek.

Let's Pray God's Word.

Dear Father, thank you that I can come to you with lifted hands for my children.  I can pray Your Word as it has the power to defeat their enemies that rise up around them.

When my children experience defeat, expose my prayerlessness and show me where my hands have grown weary and are down instead of up. Send others to help me fight for them in the battle....praying friends, faith filled, not doubt filled friends who speak negativity.

Give me new hope to rise up every morning with  expectant, faith filled hands, raised in prayer to believe that I will get to see them winning and not overcome in the battles the day will bring.

Thank you for allowing me to partake in the battle as I desire to be a praying mom whose faith is strengthened daily as I get a front row seat to see them in battle.....winning and not losing. AMEN!!

~Terrie Chevaillier

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