Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Prayer Encouragement: "LIFE GIVING WORDS!" by SkyMom, Terrie Chevaillier

For I am full of words;
The spirit within me constrains me
Job 32:18

How often do you find yourself just full of words?  Full of words that you would just love to say to your kids, words you do say to your kids, and words you wished you had not said to your kids.
We have a solution for when we are full of words that would not encourage or build up, but would do damage and tear down.  Tear down little spirits that we are supposed to be building into instead of damaging or taking away from.
Proverbs 14:1 says that the wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.  I do believe our hands that tear down can also be the words we use in our home and along the way to our children.
Let’s Pray God’s Word:
Dear Lord, You know me.  Your Word says that before anything comes out of my mouth, that you know what I am going to say.  You know my heart and everything that it is filled with….the good and the bad.
It comforts me to know that You see every desire and hope that I have for my child.  Show me the desires that come from you so I can use them to say good things that bless and encourage and build up.
You know what words I need to speak or not speak as I discipline them.
You know what words they are hearing me say to others that shape them into how they relate to others.
You know what words I don’t say, but instead of trusting you with what is not spoken, I let bitterness and resentment build a wall around those constrained words.
Thank You Father that You have a solution.
It is Your Spirit that constrains me.
Your Spirit within me that I have access to twenty four hours a day!
I am never left without Your constraining power.
Let it be Your Words that I am filled with that come out of my mouth and please Lord use Your Holy Spirit to constrain the ones that need to be left unsaid.
~Terrie Chevaillier

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